Memories from London…

The other day I was going through old photos, feeling a little nostalgic, and I came across these photos from London that I never shared. I don’t share very much anymore. The side of blogging that I always loved (and still love) was photography. I am so inspired when I’m wandering around camera in hand. Seeing things through a camera lens has really changed the way I look at the world. I love the way it makes me slow down and take in the things that surround me.

When looking back through old travel photos, I am reminded of what made me stop to take a photo. I remember the feeling I had… The mood I wanted to convey through the photo. The memories I was trying to freeze in time.

I know we are all yearning to travel again. It’s been such a hard year for everyone, and unfortunately we’re still not in the clear yet. So for now, I thought I would share these photos from a different time. Until we meet again, London.

Queen Mary's Rose Garden - London
Queen Mary's Rose Garden - London