Month: January 2018

Working with Purpose

One of my goals for 2018 is to work with more of a purpose. What I mean by that is that I want there to be a goal or an intention behind my efforts. This is true for every areaā€¦

Winter White

While most of the East coast was covered in snow this past week, Dallas had no such luck. Now before you go telling me Ā that we’re lucky to not be digging our way out of the snow, let me justā€¦

Self-Promotion: How To Do It Right

If you are anything like me, self-promotion is hard. Why is it that we can be the biggest cheerleaders for our friends and family, but when it comes to ourselves we fall flat? I have always believed that hard workā€¦

Four Ways to Make 2018 A Success

As I said in this post I’ve set a few goals for myself in 2018. I always believe in writing your goals down. I think it helps you visualize what you want to accomplish. It also gives you a referenceā€¦

My Goals for 2018

Happy New Year!! It’s time to say goodbye to 2017 and welcome in the new year. I sat down a couple of times this week to reflect over the last year and to set my goals for 2018. But thisā€¦