Month: January 2017

San Diego for the Weekend

I’m just getting home from my weekend in San Diego visiting my hubby. Brian is in the Navy Reserves and every year he has a two-week duty somewhere. The past couple of years he has been lucky enough to get…

Layer on Layer

We had our first snow of the season over the weekend and let me tell you, it was like a winter wonderland around here! Just kidding, this is Texas… we had a light dusting and everyone acted like the world…

Pink Duster Restyled

Well the first week of 2017 has been a busy one! I got home from a girls trip to San Francisco last Monday and spent the rest of the week trying to get back on track with my schedule. It’s…

Hello 2017

Happy 2017 Everyone! I’m taking a quick break from my posts this week to get settled into the new year after my travels. In the meantime I wanted to share a few of my thoughts and goals for the upcoming…