Coffee Date Vol. 1

One of my favorite things to do on the weekend is go on a coffee date. Brian and I will go out to shoot content and then head to a new coffee shop to chat. It’s our preferred weekend date activity. I’ll pick a coffee date over going out for drinks any day! I also love meeting my girlfriends for a catch up over a couple of lattes. I just love the vibe of a coffee shop. It’s relaxed, comfortable and casual. You can stay as long as you want and no one bothers you!

When I go on a coffee date with a friend we can spend hours sitting there talking about anything and everything. So it got me thinking, I need to add a Coffee Date series to the blog. This will be my way of having a coffee date with you! I can share what’s going on that week, some of my current favorite things, or any thoughts worth sharing.

Coffee Date Vol. 1 on Waketon Road Blog

Thoughts From The Week:

This week I really struggled with being engaged in social media. Don’t get me wrong that isn’t a bad thing! I have a love/hate relationship with social media. It can be such a fun outlet but I also don’t want to be so attached to my phone that I’m missing out on life. I’m curious how you balance being on social media but still being present in the moment!? I really only use Instagram but it can be pretty draining sometimes and I just need a break. What’s your favorite social media platform? I’m curious. Is Twitter still a thing?

Coffee Date Vol. 1 on Waketon Road Blog

What’s New With Me:

I got promoted at the beginning of February (YAY!). If you read my post on self-promotion you know that I have been working towards that for a while. I feel so much more relaxed at work now. It totally took away the stress and frustration I was feeling around not being recognized. It really is so important to speak up for yourself at work, in school, wherever! Always know what you are capable of and don’t be afraid to ask for what is fair!

Currently Loving:

“Chill Out” Radio station on Pandora – This is what I listen to when I’m writing so I don’t get distracted by the lyrics and start singing along.

My $100 Cashmere sweater from Monday’s post.

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my AllBirds! I got the lilac color but I’m also in love with the pink.

I have this sweater in two colors and it is so soft!

Links Worth Sharing:





  1. Courtney wrote:

    I totally feel you about social media. It’s one of those love hate things. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Posted 2.16.18
  2. dana wrote:

    OMG, I LOVE TWITTER! It’s my favorite social media platform to use and share my thoughts! Love the idea of your coffee date posts, Bryn — can’t wait to see more.

    PS: I need to know how those AllBirds work for you. Been wanting to get a pair for Matt and myself!

    The Champagne Edit

    Posted 2.16.18

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